- 1st fully digital 3 Tesla MRI with d-Stream and artificial intelligence in North Bengal.
- Patient friendly low noise machine with no claustrophobia with 70 cm wide bore and shortest tunnel length.
- Vital eye and vital screen for automatic patient monitoring and guidance.
- Available with all coils and applications.
- High speed imaging with shorter scan time.
- Complete cardiac solution including functional cardiac MRI (structural and functional study, myocardial viability assessment).
- Advanced Neuro imaging of brain with Angio / Venography and advanced multi voxel proton spectroscopy.
- CSF flow study.
- MR tractography.
- Nerve plexus studies.
- Small FOV diffusion imaging.
- Dynamic study of liver, breast and brain.
- High-end onco imaging with small FOV high resolution studies.
- Superior joint and spine imaging.
- Complete MSK studies.
- Breast imaging.
- Kids friendly pediatric imaging with effective suppression of MR noise.
- Non contrast Angiography.
- MR urography.
- Multi panoramic prostate imaging.
- Abdomen and pelvic imaging with angiography.
- Non subtraction MR angiography.
- Efficient osteometallic artifact reduction (O-MAR).
- Liver fat fraction quantification.
- Fetal imaging.